Saturday, March 8, 2008


80 years of the biggest gold in entertainment history. The Coen Brothers stole the show!! It was really one big moment. Here are 10 films,5 Actors, 5 Actresses,5 Directors I feel which deserved Oscars.

10 Movies which deserved Best Picture at the Oscars

10) Saving Private Ryan (director: Steven Spielberg)

9) Mystic River (director: Clint Eastwood)

8) The Pianist(director: Roman Polanskii)

7) Fargo(director: Joel Coen)

6) Apollo 13(director: Ron Howard)

5) Brokeback Mountain(director: Ang Lee)

4) Raging Bull (director: Martin Scorsese)

3) Thelma and Louise(director: Ridley Scott)

2) Goodfellas (director: Martin Scorsese)

1) Citizen Kane (director: Orson Welles)

5 Actors who deserved Best Actor at the Oscars

5) Marlon Brando- A Streetcar named Desire

4) Jim Carrey- The Truman Show

3) Russell Crowe - A Beautiful Mind

2) Robert de Niro- Taxi Driver

1) Clark Gable – Gone with the Wind

5 Actresses who deserved Best Actress at the Oscars

5) Felicity Huffman - TransAmerica

4) Cate Blanchett- Elizabeth(1998)

3) Jane Fonda- Julia

2) Audrey Hepburn- Breakfast at Tiffany’s

1) Julie Christie- Away from Her

5 Directors who deserved Best Director at the Oscars

5) Ridley Scott- Gladiator

4) Frances Ford Coppola- The Godfather

3)Alfred Hitchcock- Rebecca

2) Martin Scorsese- Raging Bull

1) Orson Welles- Citizen Kane

Monday, March 3, 2008

Hi. This is me again….This week I’ll give you my analysis of the Oscars- the Academy Awards. The Oscars have always been special- controversial, grand and even most watched!! So, here is my take on this year’s Oscars

Best Picture

It was quite difficult. With ‘Atonement’ winning every ‘Best Picture’ at other award shows, it was the clear frontrunner. However, when the movie wasn’t nominated for Best Director, it was almost clear that the Academy wasn’t keen to award this film. Gone are the days when ‘Driving Miss Daisy’ won the Best Picture without being nominated for Best Director. ‘No Country for Old Men’ is a great film. But not the greatest Best Picture. Some other movies could’ve been nominated like American Gangster or Charlie Wilson’s War. I was betting for ‘Juno’ a soft comedy with a very deep meaning. However, I am happy for the Coen Bros.

Winner- No Country for Old Men

Deserves- Juno

Best Director

The Coens deserved this one, without a doubt. Everything was perfect- from the acting to camera work. Watch out people, the Coens have arrived.

Winner- Joel and Ethan Coen, No Country for Old Men

Deserves- Joel and Ethan Coen, No Country for Old Men

Best Actor

Daniel Day-Lewis, Daniel Day-Lewis and Daniel Day-Lewis!! His performance has been the greatest performance by an actor this year. He was the USP of ‘There will be Blood’. My second choice would’ve been Viggo Mortensen. His transformation has been great- from Aragorn in ‘Lord of The Rings’ to Nikolai Luzhin in ‘Eastern Promises’. However, Lewis eclipsed everyone. His performance of a greedy oil businessman is his greatest till date.

Winner- Daniel Day-Lewis, There will be Blood

Deserves- Daniel Day-Lewis, There will be Blood

Best Actress

This was quite surprising. I thought Julie Christie was the clear winner in this one. However, the Academy decided to award Marion Cotillard for her portrayal as Edith Piaf in ‘la Vie en Rose’. To be honest, the role was easy. Anyone could’ve done it- well , not everyone . But Julie Christie’s performance was better. I would’ve have accepted Ellen Page as Best Actress in ‘Juno’. But Cotillard didn’t deserve.

Winner- Marion Cotillard, La Vie En Rose

Deserves- Julie Christie, Away from Her